Saturday, January 29, 2005

You can walk around in New York while you sleep in Penge

I awoke from the most extraordinary dream which does not need repeating, to realise that I was running late for my rendez-vous with Andre and the market. Phew, I arrived just on time (lateness is not tolerated) and off we went with a holler and a shout to buy:

Prune juice - later smashed on the kitchen floor resulting in one hour spent cleaning up sticky goo and a million shards of glass - bother I said in several different ways
Leeks - for soup and cottage pie
Cheese - the most incredible hard cheese which tastes so good you just can't let it lie
Brussel sprouts - how I have missed them

We paused for coffee between the second and third circuits. Back home I transformed myself into a kitchen godess and made a truly remarkable leek, turnip, carrot, potato and duck soup (it is incroiable) and a cottage pie which looks good enough to eat. Then I took myself off for a walk with my book, but the sun went down on me (yes, it can happen to the best of us) so I hurried home and got on with some editing nonsense.

Aperitifs at L'Enfance de Lard (Moiselle curled up asleep in her basket) then home to pie, Desperate Dan style. Wot a day! You can't top it.


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