Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Act of God? Some God!

You don’t get to hear the news here as it happens – unless, of course, your French is much better than mine. If you rely, as I do, on somebody else’s copy of yesterday’s Times newspaper, you end up about 48 hours behind the rest of world. That’s why I have just spent the last hour and a half reading about the tsunami and its impact on Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka and India, in total slack-jawed, shocked disbelief. It makes me question my whole outlook on life and my priorities. Most of all, it just forces me to put into perspective the insignificance of me, and all the things that I think are important, and it makes me realise that all the stuff we spend our days worrying about is mainly bollocks. And there was me troubling myself over stopping smoking and not writing enough, then looking at photographs of families being swept away by the sea. How humbling is that?

Well, what can I say? I’m tempted to sign off here for good.

But, I suppose for my own sanity I should continue with this. Sorry – not exactly a bundle of laughs is it?

OK, I’ve just poured myself a large glass of red wine and I’m ready to rock. Last night I started to watch the DVD of the first series of Curb Your Enthusiasm which I got for Christmas and is absolutely wonderful. If you’ve never seen it, then it comes very highly recommended from me. Total genius.

Today I was back on track with the writing. I got up early and put in four hours before Michael ding-donged on my bell and swept me off to Leclerc to recharge the larder. After lunch the rain stopped and I sauntered into town in a failed attempt to buy a copy of The Guardian after hearing about terrible things abroad. I ended up wandering down to the river and taking the above photograph of some fishermen, which I quite like.

Back home I wrote some more before popping over to L’Enfance de Lard for a reviving gin and tonic, cooking a rather marvellous curry and reading The Times which rather cleverly takes me full circuit back to where we started.

Did I mention that I don’t smoke? I'm so (what's the word?) proud of myself it makes even me sick. I know, everybody hates a reformed smoker...I won't mention it again.

Oh - nearly forgot. For any Manic Street Preachers fans out there - I adore the new album Lifeblood. If you haven't bought it because of the last two albums, then I suggest you have a rethink. It's a rather lovely thing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The news from Asia is dreadful, from somebody else who does not like hearing news 24 hours later (nor the cost of english newspapers in France) may I recommend the excellent www.bbc.co.uk/radio4, you can listen on-line to the whole of the award-winning 'Today' programme if you want to or catch up on 'the Archers' or even better listen to 'I'm sorry I haven't a clue'. For up to date news www.bbc.co.uk/news is hard to beat. Happy on-line listening / reading. G

29 December 2004 at 04:22:00 GMT-5  

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