Monday, January 03, 2005

Muscat de Beaumes-de-Venise

The new L’Enfance de Lard delivery service came up trumps again last night. A wicker basket arrived beautifully packed with foie gras and crusty bread, lamb chops, a rich chocolate tart, chilled champagne, bottles of fine Pecharmant wine and a bottle of Beaumes-de-Venise, A tasty snack then. ‘Oh my oh my oh my oh my!’ said Mole.

Is it any wonder I needed a lie-in this morning? Plans of a cycle ride and a visit to the launderette fluttered gently out of the window, and I resigned myself to a day tapping out words on my laptop. Outside it’s grey and misty anyway, and the cycling and washing can wait until tomorrow.

I took two large bagfuls of empties down to the bottle banks by the river, but the recycling bins were already overflowing, so I had to line all these bottles up on the ground, along with dozens already there. A ghostly mist hung heavily over the Dordogne, and reflected in the water giving it the appearance of milk. I took a walk along the banks and nearly slipped in when I slid spectacularly on some mud in an Oliver Hardy stylee.

Funny old day all told. I overdosed on Curb Your Enthusiasm. Anybody seen the Beloved Aunt episode? Absolutely hysterical!


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