Saturday, February 19, 2005

You shall own a cambric shirt

Despite aches and pains, C&G and I set off for the market braving the bitingly cold wind and an ominously dark grey sky. Just the one lap of the course today, and absolutely no basket swinging. I bought an armful of leeks, and had a brief encounter of the scary kind with the ugly foie gras lady. It was not a day to be hanging around on street corners, so I kept to the main thoroughfare, stopping only to grab a French stick.

Back indoors we munched on baguettes and generally took it easy. I cooked up a vat of vichyssoise, finally surrendering to the siren call of the pastis bottle later in the afternoon. C&G were out for the night, and I settled down with The Talented Mr Ripley and a glass of two of vino collapso which hit the spot.


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