Friday, November 05, 2004

Fly my pretties, fly!

I have fallen out with a blackbird of the feathered variety. This cheeky little rascal hangs around the terrace all day, watching me with beady eyes. He hides behind some leaves where he thinks I can’t see him and will sit there for ages carefully choosing his moment. Then, just when he thinks I am not looking, he hops down onto the flower bed and within a few seconds, he’s pecked leaves off plants, sent earth flying every which way, unearthed dahlia tubers and several bulbs. I shoo him away and he flies off over the rooftops cackling at me. But soon he’s back, watching and waiting once again for an opportunity to pounce on my pansies.

Today, as well as falling out with a bird, I have fallen in love with the music of Sufjan Stevens and have been playing the two albums I own all day (apart from first thing this morning when I had a Mahler moment and wept into my All-Bran during the Adagietto of Symphony No 5). So here’s my recommendation to you: ‘Seven Swans’ and ‘Greetings From Michigan The Great Lake State’ by Sufjan Stevens. They are truly beautiful recordings, in a modern day Nick Drake-y kind of way, and I urge you to give them a listen. Can you send me the money now please Sufjan?

It was lovely and warm and sunny today (once the sun had come up that is) and I sat on the terrace writing and gently thawing out after what had been a rather chilly night. It must be nearly time to dig out my winceyette nightie I think.

Later on I took my empties down to the bottle bank (nearly broke my back) and wandered into town to by fags and browse through CDs. M very kindly delivered my champagne order for this evening – fantastic service that – better than! I thank you. More writing during the afternoon – I’m on a roll at the moment. My writer’s block has been surgically removed – what a relief. Received a lovely thing in the post from the equally lovely J. There's a clue in the picture - "Say what you see!"

Later, as I was expecting guests (as opposed to twins - that was last week) for aperitifs before we went to L’Enfance de Lard, so I set about tidying, hoovering stairs, cleaning toilets and bathrooms and generally plumping up cushions or anything else that need a good old plump. Don't stand in my way when I'm plumping! I met my lovely guests at the quayside and we walked back to the house for champagne and nibbles. It was great to have the house so full of laughter – I have got so used to being here all by myself. After conducting the obligatory tour of the estate (I know it’s not my house but I can pretend can’t I?) we went to eat. To save blushes, I think I’ll just say we had a rather fabulous evening and leave it there. All the necessary components were present – great food, great wine and above all fantastic company. My only regret is the evening went so quickly. I was very nearly kidnapped and taken back to the Lot in the boot of a car at the end of the night.

By the way, I have some rather intriguing photos from last night but I was asked not to post them here, and I am a man of honour. Honor Blackman.


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