Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Tossed salad and scrambled eggs

It was a bit of late night, or early morning depending on your viewpoint, and I woke up with the unavoidable knowledge that I had been well and truly whacked by the Kwak. That's the last time I'm talking to French people - it gives me a sore brain and shaky hands the next day. I have to say at this point that John makes the most delicious scrambled eggs I have ever tasted. Despite a strange aroma of burning hair coming from the kitchen, and my spectacular attempt to jettison the whole plateful into my lap, I felt better for it. With a sudden rush of energy and armed with a vacuum cleaner and a bottle of Harpic I cleaned the house in preparation for Hugo's arrival. John went out to discover how the mystery of the CD in the bakery ended. Tomorrow's headlines today. It was a woman what done it! You read it here first!

We took a walk around town in order to blow away the cobwebs - that's our cobwebs, just in case you had a mental image of us walking around town blowing cobwebs off old buildings and bushes. It wasn't like that at all. John took a selection of comedy photographs which will no doubt appear on his blogsite very soon - but don't switch over just yet - stick with this one for a bit. This is the blogsite of record. We ended up leaning over the side of the Dordogne watching fish being caught and placed into a plastic bag. If fishing is a dull pastime, I think watching fishing adds a new dimension to the term dull.

It was time for John to pack up his troubles in an old kit bag and for me to take the steering wheel of the Smart back to Bergerac International Air Shed. John followed in the car shouting 'Come back here with that steering wheel you steering wheel stealer you!'. After a beer and goodbyes John disappeared through security to take the Daily Mail special flight home to Epsomnia - lucky fella. I waited for Hugo to arrive and drove him back to Bergerac just in time for Christmas. Most enjoyable aperitifs at L'Enfance de Lard followed by a penne bolognaise all of my own making and a few episodes of Frasier before bedtime. Wot a day!


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