Sunday, January 16, 2005

I watch the ripples change their size but never leave the stream of warm impermanence

I blame Douglas Coupland for my immobilisation in bed this morning. I just can’t stop reading Shampoo Planet. Eventually I forced myself to put it down and get on with some fabulous writing of my own – ha ha ha, hee hee hee.

Whatever happens, I find that if I haven’t been outside the house by about three in the afternoon I start going a bit stir-crazy, so I slung on my coat and marched off along the banks for the Dordogne for a couple of hours. The sun was just breaking through the heavy clouds, dappling the water with morphing golden shapes of gold. I stopped in town for a baguette, then carried on ‘working’ until six.

I’ve just seen a robin sitting in the Christmas tree outside! How cool. Does he know it’s not Christmas?

H was on the phone telling me that Sammie’s having problems with her legs again which is a bit of a worry. I thought we’d got over that one for the time being. Back to the dreaded vet’s then for more mega-expensive pills no doubt.

I settled down to watch Shrek 2 on DVD, which was a bit of light relief. Who knew Jenny Saunders could sing? And both Dave and Eels on the soundtrack - impressive.


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