Sunday, February 20, 2005

Is it nice in your snowstorm?

G & I set off to the local Champion supermarket to stock up on victuals for brunch and supper. C cooked up bacon and eggs – ah the smell of bacon wafting through the house! Fantashtique. I ploughed on with The Sea The Sea, which is getting a bit exciting, while G caught up with The Archers omnibus on the internet. Outside the snow fell in lumpy white flakes.

An afternoon constitutional along to the weir and back was most invigorating, and this evening I am preparing dinner - so, in theory anything could happen.

If you’re reading this with the hope of an update on Michael’s recovery, then you may be wondering why I have made no mention of it in recent posts. It is not because I have forgotten – far from it – I am thinking about little else. The reason for the lack of information is that there is no new news at the moment, as Michael’s condition remains the same, which generally involves healing sleep currently controlled by the doctors. I will include any updates here, so do keep checking back. In the meantime, carry on sending positive vibes in the direction of Bordeaux hospital.


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