Saturday, October 02, 2004

'Seinfeld' and 'The Simpsons' on a loop

The sun had got his hat on today and consequently it was very hot. Enjoyed a late brunch at the Waverley diner and then followed 8th Street across to Broadway where I took the subway up to 34th Street. Somebody had been taken ill somewhere so the subways were up the shoot - it happens here too. I'm still battling with the cold so I didn't feel like being particularly adventurous. What better than a couple of hours trawling around Macy's department store? Around every corner lurked somebody with a fistful of fragrances waiting to spray you to death - I found the best way to get oxygen was to crawl along on all fours keeping my face close to the floor. I was lead into temptation at the Jean Paul Gaultier counter.

Plenty of shops to look in on Fashion Avenue. I ended up at Penn Station and went in to check the train times back to Newark Airport - all very confusticating. Non the wiser, I walked back down 7th Avenue to the apartment.

We were meant to go out in Brooklyn this evening but colds overruled that, so a pizza the size of a dustbin lid and a drop of red with telly instead. Packing tomorrow. How gloom-making.


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